Artwork was needed for the newly-renovated Trading Floor at Investors Group. The five images in the series had to display the five global cities where IG Investment Management, Ltd. had offices: Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Dublin and Hong Kong.

The challenge lay in the diversity of the cities and how to unify five very different global locations into a consistent environmental art display. Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal all have similar architecture, and all have some elements of the modern, and some elements of the historic. However, Dublin (having very historic architecture) and Hong Kong (very modern architecture) posed a challenge. The landmarks had to be recognizable, so that at a glance you could see Montreal, Dublin, Winnipeg, Toronto and Hong Kong.
There was a clever solution to unify the artwork – I found five images that had elements within them that formed a visual line carried through from left to right (swooping up and down at points). Each image was then converted to a duotone, to further unify the artwork and make a consistent feel.
Location-specific stock photography was purchased.